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Over 140 expert-led courses, training, and events designed for nonprofits and libraries.

Explorer l'IA avec les outils Microsoft

Introduction à l'IA et à l'IA générative
Introduction à l'IA et à l'IA générative
Éthique et principes de l'IA
Éthique et principes de l'IA
Pensée critique, formulation de questions, l'ingénierie des requêtes avec Copilot.
Pensée critique, formulation de questions, l'ingénierie des requêtes avec Copilot.
Utilisations courantes de Copilot pour les organisations à but non lucratif
Utilisations courantes de Copilot pour les organisations à but non lucratif

Mastering the Basics of Microsoft Excel (in English)

Excel 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Excel 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Excel 102 -Editing and Formatting Text (in English)
Excel 102 -Editing and Formatting Text (in English)
Excel 103 - Designing Your Worksheets (in English)
Excel 103 - Designing Your Worksheets (in English)
Excel 104 - Using Formulas and Functions (in English)
Excel 104 - Using Formulas and Functions (in English)
Excel 105 - Using Functions to Format Text (in English)
Excel 105 - Using Functions to Format Text (in English)
Excel 106 - Adding and Analyzing Charts (in English)
Excel 106 - Adding and Analyzing Charts (in English)

Excel pour les organisations sans but lucratif (en Français)

Excel 101- Découvrir les principes fondamentaux (en Français)
Excel 101- Découvrir les principes fondamentaux (en Français)
Excel 102 - Édition et adaptation du texte (en français)
Excel 102 - Édition et adaptation du texte (en français)
Excel 103 – Création de feuilles de calcul (en Français)
Excel 103 – Création de feuilles de calcul (en Français)
Excel 104 - Utilisation des formules et des fonctions (en français)
Excel 104 - Utilisation des formules et des fonctions (en français)
Excel 105 - Utilisation des fonctions de mise en forme de texte. (en Français)
Excel 105 - Utilisation des fonctions de mise en forme de texte. (en Français)
Excel 106 - Ajout, mise en forme et analyse de graphiques (en français)
Excel 106 - Ajout, mise en forme et analyse de graphiques (en français)
Excel 201 - Méthodes avancées (en français)
Excel 201 - Méthodes avancées (en français)

Excel para organizações sem fins lucrativos - gerenciamento de dados e relatórios (em português)

Excel 101 - Aprenda o Básico (em Português)
Excel 101 - Aprenda o Básico (em Português)
Excel 102 - Editando e Formatando Textos (em Português)
Excel 102 - Editando e Formatando Textos (em Português)
Excel 103 - Projetando sua planilha (em português)
Excel 103 - Projetando sua planilha (em português)
Excel 104 - Fórmulas e Funções (em português)
Excel 104 - Fórmulas e Funções (em português)
Excel 105 - usando funções para formatar texto (em português)
Excel 105 - usando funções para formatar texto (em português)
Excel 106 - Como adicionar, formatar e analisar gráficos (em português)
Excel 106 - Como adicionar, formatar e analisar gráficos (em português)

Teams for Nonprofits - Collaboration Tools (in English)

Ask the Expert - Teams (in English)
Ask the Expert - Teams (in English)
Teams 101 - Getting Started (in English)
Teams 101 - Getting Started (in English)
Teams 201 - Using Advanced Functions (in English)
Teams 201 - Using Advanced Functions (in English)
How to run effective remote meetings with Teams: The before-during-after guide (in English)
How to run effective remote meetings with Teams: The before-during-after guide (in English)

Teams - Un outil pour la collaboration virtuelle (en français)

Teams 101 – Mise en route (en Français)
Teams 101 – Mise en route (en Français)
Teams 201 – Utiliser les fonctions avancées (en Français)
Teams 201 – Utiliser les fonctions avancées (en Français)
Comment organiser des réunions à distance efficaces avec Teams : le guide avant-pendant-après (en Français)
Comment organiser des réunions à distance efficaces avec Teams : le guide avant-pendant-après (en Français)

Teams - Uma ferramenta para colaboração virtual (em Português)

Teams 101 - Introdução (em Português)
Teams 101 - Introdução (em Português)
Teams 201 - Funções avançadas (em Português)
Teams 201 - Funções avançadas (em Português)
Guia: como realizar reuniões remotas eficazes com Microsoft Teams (em Português)
Guia: como realizar reuniões remotas eficazes com Microsoft Teams (em Português)

Microsoft 365 pour les organisations à but non lucratif (en Français)

Planner 101 - Organiser Efficacement les Tâches (en Français)
Planner 101 - Organiser Efficacement les Tâches (en Français)
OneDrive 101 - Stockage intelligent (en Français)
OneDrive 101 - Stockage intelligent (en Français)
SharePoint 101- améliorer la collaboration (en Français)
SharePoint 101- améliorer la collaboration (en Français)
Outlook 101 - Accroître l'efficacité (en Français)
Outlook 101 - Accroître l'efficacité (en Français)

Microsoft 365 para organizações sem fins lucrativos (em Português)

Planner 101 - Organize tarefas de forma eficaz (em Português)
Planner 101 - Organize tarefas de forma eficaz (em Português)
OneDrive 101 - Armazenando com inteligência (em Português)
OneDrive 101 - Armazenando com inteligência (em Português)
SharePoint 101 - Melhorando a colaboração (em Português)
SharePoint 101 - Melhorando a colaboração (em Português)
Outlook 101- Aumente sua eficiência (em Português)
Outlook 101- Aumente sua eficiência (em Português)

Power Apps Courses (in English)

Power Apps 101: How to Easilty Build Apps (in English)
Power Apps 101: How to Easilty Build Apps (in English)
Power Apps 201 - Creating a Custom App (in English)
Power Apps 201 - Creating a Custom App (in English)
Ask the Expert - Power Apps: Event Recording (in English)
Ask the Expert - Power Apps: Event Recording (in English)

Email Marketing for Nonprofits (in English)

Email Marketing 101: How to Get Started Building Your Email Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing 101: How to Get Started Building Your Email Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing 201: Goal Setting and Benchmarking (Analytics are Fun!)
Email Marketing 201: Goal Setting and Benchmarking (Analytics are Fun!)
Email Marketing 202: The Importance of Target Lists
Email Marketing 202: The Importance of Target Lists
Email Marketing 203: Segmenting Your Targets and Growing Your Email List
Email Marketing 203: Segmenting Your Targets and Growing Your Email List
Email Marketing 204: How to Stand Out in Your Audience’s Email Inbox
Email Marketing 204: How to Stand Out in Your Audience’s Email Inbox

Social Media Marketing for Nonprofits (in English)

Social Media Marketing 101: How to Get Started With Social Media for Fundraising
Social Media Marketing 101: How to Get Started With Social Media for Fundraising
Social Media Marketing 201: How to Build an Engaged Audience on Social Media
Social Media Marketing 201: How to Build an Engaged Audience on Social Media
Social Media Marketing 202: Problem Solving Session-Challenges and Solutions
Social Media Marketing 202: Problem Solving Session-Challenges and Solutions
Social Media Marketing 203: How to Measure Social Media Success
Social Media Marketing 203: How to Measure Social Media Success

Fundraising for Nonprofits (in English)

Adobe Absolute Beginners: Create a Fundraiser Invitation Using InDesign
Adobe Absolute Beginners: Create a Fundraiser Invitation Using InDesign
Fundraising Software Seminar 1: How do you evaluate your organization's current fundraising system?
Fundraising Software Seminar 1: How do you evaluate your organization's current fundraising system?
Fundraising Software Seminar 2 - Identifying your Organizations Needs
Fundraising Software Seminar 2 - Identifying your Organizations Needs
Fundraising Software 3 - Managing the Demo Process
Fundraising Software 3 - Managing the Demo Process
Fundraising Software 4 - Planning for Implementation
Fundraising Software 4 - Planning for Implementation
Social Media Marketing 101: How to Get Started With Social Media for Fundraising
Social Media Marketing 101: How to Get Started With Social Media for Fundraising
Storymakers - Digital Storytelling for Beginners
Storymakers - Digital Storytelling for Beginners

Word for Nonprofits - Creating Compelling Documents (in English)

Word 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Word 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Word 102 - Editing Tools (in English)
Word 102 - Editing Tools (in English)
Word 103 - Creating Tables and Lists  (in English)
Word 103 - Creating Tables and Lists (in English)
Word 104 - Using References (in English)
Word 104 - Using References (in English)

Powerpoint for Nonprofits - Creating Powerful Presentations (in English)

Powerpoint 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Powerpoint 101 - Learn the Basics (in English)
Powerpoint 102 - Formatting Text and Images (in English)
Powerpoint 102 - Formatting Text and Images (in English)
Powerpoint 103 - Designing Presentations (in English)
Powerpoint 103 - Designing Presentations (in English)